Premier Coach
& NLP Practitioner
and an
2 Internationally Recognised Certifications in 1 AMAZING Course!
March 23rd & 24th, 2024
Accredited by the
and the
Wow! What a course. This has been a life-changing experience for actually far exceeded in-person training I have done in the past.
- Anna Anderson, The Nature & Nurture Coach
2 Accredited Certifications
in 1 Amazing Program!
Accredited Certificate in Coach Training (ACCT) AND Accredited NLP Practitioner
The program runs one weekend per month for six months and combines essential coaching skills with the super powerful tools and techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming
AC Accredited
Full Association for Coaching course accredition
2 x 6: Working around YOU!
The program runs one weekend (2 days) per month for 6 months
ANLP Accredited
Full Association for NLP course accreditation
Unparalleled Support
Lifetime Support. Resit the course as a refresher - for FREE!
Accredited Training
On this AC and ANLP accredited program, you will::
There are 12 x 1-day modules, divided into:
Each module includes 1-day 'Live-Online' training, with:
You must satisfactorily complete all the modules, coaching practice and coursework to be awarded your AC and ANLP accredited program certificates.
World-Class Training
Premier Coach & NLP Practitioner Certification
World Class Training and Certification
Crafted for Excellence
All Training
All Certifications
AC + ANLP membership
Ongoing Lifetime Support
My business life has been transformed, my earning capacity, my leadership skills - all of that has massively benefitted, but also my personal life as well.
A Truly Global Reach
Premier Coach & NLP Certification students come from across the globe
Key Features
The program is packed with so many features to give you a powerful, fun and interactive learning experience, including:
AC Accredited
This program is fully accredited by the Association for Coaching
AC Membership
12-months membership of the Association for Coaching included
ANLP Accredited
The program is fully Accredited by the Association for NLP
ANLP Membership
3-Months membership fo the Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming included
12-days LIVE Training
The program is delivered live via Zoom, from a dedicated fully equipped studio
Guest Experts
We bring world leaders in their field to enhance your lerning experience
Interactive Study Guides
Interactive pdf study guides for each module
Breakout Rooms
All topics covered on the program are practiced in small group breakout rooms
On-Demand Video Replays
Every session is filmed and available for replay on-demand
Multiple Learning Tools
We utilise the latest technology to incorporate multiple learning tools
Coach Starter Toolkit
A comprehensive set of tools and templates to get your coaching off the ground
On-Going Support
Join our FREE active community, the ACT Tribe, for continuous lifetime support
Coaching Practice Sessions
We'll provide you with coaching partners, if you don't have people to coach
The Business of Coaching
We will teach you how to set up and run a profitable coaching business
Live Demonstrations
See ALL the theory turned into practice with live demonstrations
1 : 1 Mentoring
You get personal 1:1 mentoring with program leader Steve Payne!
This is one of the best decisions I ever made, both personally and professionally.
Taking an accredited course like this, with a seriously talented trainer like Steve, is really the only way to go.
Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP is 'the Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience' (Robert Dilts).
NLP explores how we create personal meaning from our experience, based on our individual processing filters, such as our values, beliefs, natural preferences, memories, language, past experiences etc.
NLP also offers practical tools and techniques that can help us change unresourceful patterns of thought and behaviour and overcome limiting beliefs.
NLP can be transformational for coaches and their clients.
Some of the elements of NLP we cover on the program include:
The NLP Communication Model
(NLP Epistemology - How We Know What We Know)
Wow! What a course. This has been a life-changing experience for actually far exceeded in-person training I have done in the past.
The '4-S.T.E.P.'
Premier Coach & NLP Certification Program
The 'A.L.I.G.N.E.D. C.O.A.C.H.' Model covers all the essential coaching competencies a successful professional coach needs.
A.C.T. founder, Steve Payne, is a certified Master Trainer of NLP and has designed the Association for Coaching ACCT 4-S.T.E.P. program to incorporate the NLP Practitioner syllabus.
The tools and techniques of NLP enrich coach training and help a coach develop a deeper understanding of their coaching clients, as well as adding some extra tools for the coach's toolkit.
Participants will receive a full NLP Practitioner certificate in addition to their ACCT coach certificate.
The M.M.S.A. (Motivation, Mindset, Strategy & Action) Model incorporates some of the essential and most powerful coaching tools available.
We also introduce an aspect of the SCRUM methodology for helping coaches and clients monitor progress more effectively.
To become a successful coach, you must learn how to run, structure and market your business. Most coaching programs stop short of giving students this set of skills - we believe this is an essential part of the puzzle to coaching success.
To grow something, you need a plan. To grow a business, you need a business plan. The vast majority of coaches have not made one of these. We will show you why this can help you develop your business.
We will also show you how to harness the power of technology to automate lead generation and passive income streams into your coaching business.
We will show you how to make your coaching business scalable.
Anything you sell or give away as a coach is a product, this includes your 1:1 coaching, discovery calls, packages and so on.
To stand out from the crowd you must create your own Unique Branded Intellectual Property (U-BIP). This makes your offering unique and adds value to your business model.
We will guide you through this process.
The course is led by one of the UK's most experienced coaches and founder of the Academy of Coaching and Training, published author and professional speaker, Steve Payne.
In addition, the NLP Practitioner element of the course is delivered by not one, but two ANLP recognised and certified Master Trainers of NLP, Steve Payne and John Thompson.
The Program Schedule Dates
You must complete all 12-modules (days) of the ACCT Coach & NLP Practitioner prior to certification.
March 2024
Module 1: Saturday 23rd: Core Skills
Module 2: Sunday 24th: Core Skills 2
April 2024
Module 3: Saturday 13th: Goal Setting
Module 4: Sunday 14th: Language
May 2024
Module 5: Saturday 11th: Values & Beliefs
Module 6: Sunday 12th: NLP & Coaching in Businesses
June 2024
Module 7: Saturday 15th: NLP Integration Day
Module 8: Sunday 16th: Running a Coaching/NLP Business
July 2024
Module 9: Saturday 13th: Strategies
Module 10: Sunday 14th: Advanced Sub-modalities
August 2024
Module 11: Saturday 3rd: Advanced NLP Techniques
Module 12: Sunday 4th: Timeline Interventions
The timings for the days are:
BREAK (20-mins)
LUNCH (1 hour)
BREAK (20-mins)
The above times are CET.
UK times are shown below:
BREAK (20-mins)
LUNCH (1 hour)
BREAK (20-mins)
The course works on continuous assessment, observation, set exercises and coaching practice.
The NLP certification additionally requires the submission of an open-book paper and observed NLP Processes.
To successfully complete the course you will also need to complete the following coursework:
We will give you a professional coaching log and help you find people to build your coaching hours
We will give you a template
We will give you interactive study guides for this
Titled: My Approach to Coaching. This is to be completed after you have completed all the modules.
Once you have satisfactorily completed the 'Live-Online' training and submitted your completed coursework satisfactorily, you will be awarded two certifications:
Accredited Certificate in Coach Training (AC)
Accredited NLP Practitoner Certificate (ANLP)
Thank you Steve for having the wisdom and foresight to put together the most informative, jam-packed and positive learning experience I have ever experienced in my 25 years of corporate development.
June 2nd, 2020
I just completed the live-online ACCT course. I have to admit it worked so well, it surpassed my expectations. For a start, Steve’s delivery is exceptional and the course content brilliant...The content and style works so well and works really well online. All my fears disappeared after the first session.
Petra Salva O.B.E.
Director, St. Mungo's
Friday 29th May, 2020
It is so easy to be engaged in the course, and I can thoroughly recommend the course to anyone looking to start their coaching journey. The use of break-out rooms, materials used and exercises were masterfully done, and Steve is a brilliant and charismatic trainer and coach which makes the course interesting, fun and unique...
Munur Shah
Restaurateur and Entrepreneur
Books written by, or featuring, our students
Saturday 6th June, 2020
This was the first 100% live-online version of the course, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to stay engaged and focused all day sat in one spot staring at a computer screen! However, the sessions flew by as they were so interesting, exciting and varied.
I never thought I would say this, but I actually prefer this way to learn!
Fiona Agyemang
Friday 29th May, 2020
I’d like to sincerely thank Steve for this 8-day live-online course, which has truly been life-changing...
The training materials are high quality, the planning is superb.
It has been a wonderful 8-days and a course that will stay in my memory as one of the best that I’ve ever done! I fully recommend it!
Ann Collins
Professional Coach
Interactive Study Guides
We use interactive pdf study guides for each course module.
These study guides also serve as the course daily journals, helping you to embed your learning and complete the coursework as you go.
Lathi Dube
Coach and A.C.T. ACCT Graduate
Lathi completed the ACCT course in 2017 ...
From my interactions with other coaches and trainers, and from my experience with my own clients, Steve doesn’t just train excellent coaches, he trains world class thought leaders.
The level that Steve was able to embed in my learning is truly incredible. I couldn’t recommend his Programs enough.
The day I walked into his class was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Martyn Mordecai
Coach and A.C.T. ACCT Graduate
Since being on the Course, and with Steve’s help, not only did I pick up some private clients but I also secured Coaching contracts with two major businesses in the UK.
Utilising the skills taught on this course I have seen my Coaching business turnover grow by 19% in the first quarter of this year...UPDATE 6 MONTHS LATER (October 2018): my business growth is up 50% on the equivalent period last year. All thanks to the A.C.C.T course.
This was an excellent Course and Steve is not just a great Coach but a Master of the Art and Skill. You will not be disappointed!
You are NEVER just a number to us!
An overview of the Intensive and modular versions of the program
During a break at our Marbella retreat, some ACCT students shared their views on the ACCT Coach Certification program, including exploring:
About the Program Leader:
Steve Payne
Steve is a published author, keynote speaker, International Executive Coach and Public Speaking coach.
He is one of very few certified Master Trainers of NLP in the world and sits on the training accreditation board of the Global Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP) read more.
Steve is an entrepreneur with extensive business experience. He has created two companies and run international companies as Sales and Development Director. He brings his knowledge on both executive coaching and life coaching to the A.C.T.
Steve is the co-author of the critically acclaimed 'My 31 Practices' and is one of the featured authors in '250 Insights: Wisdom from Leading Thinkers' published by LID (2018).
Prior to Steve's entrepreneurial work, he worked as an actor for 10 years in film, TV, theatre and radio and has featured in some of the UK's best-loved series, such as Eastenders and Inspector Morse.
Steve designed the Association for Coaching Accredited Certificate in Coach Training (ACCT) course for the Academy of Coaching and Training.
We understand that an investment of both your time and money is an important decision. We would like to help you feel reassured in your decision by offering you a full 100% money-back guarantee.
If after the first module, you decide you want to have your money back and finish the course at that point, we will refund 100% of your investment.
Security: your investment is protected
No Questions Asked: Your decision is yours and we respect that
Keep the Materials: You can even keep the course materials you will have received up to that point
Steve Payne
© Copyright the A.C.T. 2022 All Rights Reseved.